See the trailer here : The Homeschool Awakening
Despite schools opening up fully again here in Canada and in the U.S. there has been a continuing, steep increase in families who choose to homeschool. There is a new movie that was just released yesterday called “The Homeschool Awakening” that provides some insight into the growing popularity and impetus behind the homeschool movement.
Why is there a continued rise in families choosing to homeschool?
According to abc news, “In 18 states that shared data through the current school year, the number of homeschooling students increased by 63% in the 2020-2021 school year, then fell by only 17% in the 2021-2022 school year.” Thus, even though students could now return to school, many families are continuing with their choice to homeschool that was initiated during the pandemic. Many parents realized that lessons tailored to their students learning styles and interests allowed them to thrive, that schedules were more flexible, and life overall less hectic. An additional reason, one that may have broken the camel’s back, is the increasing shift in focus onto social issues and a deterioration of learning fundamentals.
The trailer of the movie captures a core issue that is tipping the scale for many families:
“We have to break through the idea that kids belong to their parents…”
“I don’t understand this idea that parents should decide what’s being taught…”
These statements by school board trustees and other educational leaders strike many parents as disturbing and lead them to question who really should be in charge of their children’s hearts and minds. When schools are teaching world views that clash with those of the parents, and those views take a central stage, the option to homeschool becomes a serious consideration for many.
Is this a documentary film?
Yes. It consists of interviews with families from a variety of backgrounds who have made the choice to homeschool. The film provides an inside look at homeschool life and experiences, at misconceptions, and advantages. These families started out like many others, thinking of homeschooling as a type of ‘cult’, and viewed homeschoolers as somewhat abnormal, quiet, and reclusive. And none of them could pictures themselves homeschooling until they made their choice.
Some had thought that they were sacrificing their freedom by homeschooling, but came to realize that it was a gift. They as parents were in control of curriculum, of teaching methodology, and had the freedom to choose what was taught.
Through the years, homeschooling has opened up a different view of schooling for the families, a view that breaks the mould, and a realization that schooling outside the box is beautiful, and that it is not anything like public school at home. The parents have the responsibility of what is put into their children’s head and in their heart.
Most important of all, kids want to know that they are worth it, and there is no clearer way than homeschooling to show them that they are worth it.
These basic observations are an echo of the experiences I have come across in all our years of homeschooling as well.
How can we see this film?
If you are in the U.S. you are in luck and can view it at a theatre today. It is in theatres on June 13th and 14th only. However, you can arrange for a streaming event for your community, church group, co-op, or neighbourhood. The event is free to host for your group at the cost of selling tickets to attendees.
If you would like to host an event you can find all details here https://faithcontentnetwork.com/how-it-works
There are also special offers along with the film which include a collection of ebooks, worksheets, audios, and videos that have been specifically put together to give you a jump start on homeschooling for success from start to finish.
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