Grade 7
Teaching Textbooks – Pre-Algebra -This is an online math curriculum that uses mulitmedia step-by step tutortials. It teaches all concepts thoroughly, provides thorough explanations for each problem, provides grading for each lesson as well as assessments for each chapter. This curriculum does not require any parental instruction. As a math program, it is a bit more simple than other math curricula and students will likely be able to start at a grade level higher (you can use the placement tool to determine the best starting point). Teaching Textbooks provides a free trial period so that you can assess whether it fits with your expectation and your student’s learning style. You can enroll for your free trial here and order a 12-month enrollment for US $67.08.
Math Mammoth Grade 7 (Pre- Algebra) – This complete program consists of two student worktexts (A and B), a separate answer key for each, tests, mixed revisions, and in the download version, an additional worksheet maker (Internet access required) to make extra practice worksheets when needed. There are instructional videos for each of the concepts as well as a variety of additional online practice exercises for each chapter. You can view samples of the curriculum here and order the grade 7 set for US $39.50. If you would like to have a live online class to go along with this curriculum you can find one at The Potter’s School here (enter Pre-Algebra in the course catalogue).
- focuses on understanding of mathematical concepts
- uses clear explanations, lots of visual exercises and pattern exercises
- mastery oriented: concentrates at length on a topic, with very few topics per grade
- emphasizes mental maths and developing number sense
- very little teacher preparation needed
The Art of Problem Solving (for advanced “outstanding” students grade 6 and up). This curriculum is suited for outstanding math students and those who would like to participate in mathematics competions. AoPS also provides live online classes here.
English Language
Institute for Excellence in Writing – Level B – Join Andrew Pudewa as he leads students on a 24-week writing journey using IEW’s Structure and Style approach. “Students reading at a 6th–8th grade level will take delight in Mr. Pudewa’s humorous, incremental, and effective writing lessons. The curriculum provides clear daily assignments and includes vocabulary words, literature suggestions, and lesson plans for teachers. Easy to use and affordable, Structure and Style for Students plus Fix It! Grammar bring a successful solution to your writing and grammar lessons—guaranteed!” You can purchase the program for US $167 here.
Writing With Skill Level 1 Student Workbook and Teacher Manual – “Writing With Skill combines time-tested classical techniques with innovative contemporary insights to give every student the necessary tools to write with clarity and confidence. For students in the middle grades and above, Writing with Skill provides essential training in organization, composition structure, and research methods.” You can purchase Writing With Skill Level 1 student workbook here and the instructor text here.
Spelling Workout – Level H – From the publisher: “Complex words of foreign origin, such as ‘etiquette,’ ‘marionette,’ and ‘protégé’ provide an interesting challenge, as do words that have different spellings for endings that sound the same in ordinary speech, such as the respective endings of ‘pleasant’ and ‘prevalent.’ Spelling Workout 2002 has all the components needed to help every student become a successful speller.”
Elemental Science for the Logic Stage (grade 5-8) – Choose from Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Earth Science & Astronomy programs. Each program is composed of a student and a teacher guide. “The Student Guide includes assignment sheets, sketches, experiment sheets and blank report pages that they will need to complete the year. Each of the student assignment sheets contains the weekly topic, sketch assignment, experiment directions, report options, dates to enter, and memory work. The Teacher Guides contain the student assignments sheets plus 2-day and 5-day schedules to help you plan out the year. The guides also give you tips on how to lead your student through the program, comprehension questions, answers for the student’s work, and unit tests for you to use.” You can download the tables of content and sample pages of each of the programs on the Elemental Science website. The curriculum can be purchased as a downloadable pdf file here. If you would like to purchase the printed book format and reside in Canada you can order from Classical Education Books and save on shipping. You can also purchase experiment kits if you want to simplify preparation for experiments (although most items needed can easily be purchased at your local store).
Noeo Science Chemistry 3 or Physics 3 are the open-and-go curriculum that has everything you need to get science done in a year: books, experiment kits, a schedule that coordinates chemistry readings and experiments, and a student notebook to retain the year’s lessons. Chemistry 3 or Physics 3 is perfect for readers interested in chemistry/ physics who can read 7th – 8th Grade material, typically ages 13-15.
In addition, for the parent or the interested advanced student, you may consider:
The Story of Western Science Susan Wise Bauer delivers an accessible, entertaining, and illuminating springboard into the scientific education you never had. Far too often, public discussion of science is carried out by journalists, voters, and politicians who have received their science secondhand. The Story of Western Science shows us the joy and importance of reading groundbreaking science writing for ourselves and guides us back to the masterpieces that have changed the way we think about our world, our cosmos, and ourselves.The book is organized into five Parts: The Beginnings (e.g. Hippocrates, Plato, and Aristotle); The Birth of the Method (e.g. Francis Bacon, Galileo Galalei, and Isaac Newton); Reading the Earth (e.g. George-Louis Lesterc, Arthur Holmes, and Walter Alvarez); Reading Life (e.g. Charles Darwin, James D. Watson, and Stephen Jay Gould); and Reading the Cosmos (e.g. Albert Einstein, Fred Hoyle, and James Gleick).
Story of the World Vol 4. The Modern Age – Susan Wise Bauer’s history series is one of the the best options for world history for upper elementary through junior high levels. Spend an entire year investigating the fascinating story of the modern world, from the American Civil War through the end of the twentieth century–from Europe and the Middle East through India, China, the Arabian Peninsula, Australia, and both North and South America! The Revised Edition paperback text provides the full, engaging narrative of world history, covering the century and a half from the end of the Civil War through the end of the twentieth century. The Revised Edition Activity Book contains 42 geography activities as well as extensive nonfiction and fiction reading lists, activities, projects, and much more. The Test Book & Answer Key offers a simple, clear way to measure student comprehension. Together, these three books provide one of the best options for world history for upper elementary through junior high levels.
Memoria Press Geography III –Geography III solidifies the mapping skills learned in Geography I and II, and also requires students to label major landforms and topography. However, students can start the program without having previously completed level I and II. Students will study the climate, recent history, culture, and religion of every continent. This text has many illustrations of famous landmarks, architecture, and people from around the world, and the workbook requires students to practice mapwork weekly. In addition to labeling maps, students will learn to freehand-draw each continent using the Robinson Map Project. This is a thorough world geography course that is perfect for middle school students before their advanced European and American history courses in high school.